This PDF is a full-text searchable reproduction of the entire issue of this publication with all images, including advertisements.
4 Tatum, the last years
Mait Edey
6 Kenny Dorham
Henry A. Woodfin
10 Waller to Wellstood to Williams to Chaos
Dick Wellstood
Gigantic Baby Dodds
Bruce King
Introducing Scott La Faro
Martin Williams
18 Bill Evans by Don Heckman
Duke Ellington by Don Heckman
19 Ella Fitzgerald by Don Heckman
20Wardell Grey-Stan Getz by Harvey Pekar
Helen Humes by Louis Levy
21 Mahalia Jackson by Peter Turley
Milt Jackson and Coleman Hawkins by Louis Levy
22 John Lewis and the M. J. Q. by Max Harrison
23 Gerry Mulligan by Max Harrison
24 Stuff Smith by Stanley Dance
Buddy Tate by Stanley Dance
25 Billy Taylor by Mimi Clar
Lester Young with Count Basie by Ross Russell
Shorter Reviews
by H. A. Woodfin, Stanley Dance and J. S. Shipman OTHER REVIEWS
30 B. H. Haggin's The Listener's Companion by Martin Williams MOVIES
Nowhere to Go by Donald Phelps RADIO
31 WHAT-FM by John F. Szwed
32 Jazz In Print by Hsio Wen Shih
36 The Word Jazz by Alan P. Merriam and Fradley H. Garner 38 Reconsiderations, John Lewis Compositions by David Lahm