Jazz Studies Online presents Jazz on Film, a collection of resources curated by SUNY Stony Brook Professor of Comparative Literature and English Krin Gabbard. Jazz on Film features the following content:
A list of books and articles about movies and jazz. The texts run the gamut from simple alphabetical listings of films with some connection to jazz to critical discussions of how avant-garde films have appropriated jazz culture. Because so much work is still being done in this area, this bibliography will surely grow over time.
A list of canonical films that regularly surface in discussions about jazz and the movies. These films have become central either because they have good footage of important jazz artists or because they contain thoughtful representations of the music and the musicians. The list also includes films that are especially useful to scholars looking at how jazz has served ideological purposes.
An article on the various strategies for recruiting the music and the images of jazz in compilation films, short subjects, and documentaries. This article considers neglected genres and performances by jazz artists in films that are otherwise almost completely forgotten.
Teaching materials and related resources. View course syllabi and journal articles from the JSO digital resource library.